Those are the magical words heard around the UAL Fantasy League in the Week #6 action. Here are the breakdowns of the crucial week 6 Division games:

Stingrays 105    Elephants 63
It was business as usual for the front running Stingrays squad. If you don't have your best game of the year against the Stingrays, you have no chance as the Elephants found out. The Mighty Merv gets a huge game from Tomlinson who posted 37 points, and he barely played in the 4th quarter (the Commish was tuned in on his DirectTV), much to the chagrin of Merv who seems to dislike the fact that he may not win every last cent of prize money in this league. The Elephants post one of their better efforts of the year, but unfortunately it wasn't even near enough. Owner Brady is thankful that leaving Buckhalter and his 3 TD's on the bench still would not have been enough to beat the Stingrays, that may have been the blunder of the year (who else is gonna beat the Stingrays???). The Elephants are looking to play the spoiler now the last two weeks. 

Pride 68    Redhawks 42
The Pride get the needed win to stay in the top wildcard spot. Owners Rose/Brown have the Pride rolling along with the second best point total in the league, but can only hope for a late season collapse of the seemingly indestructible Stingrays squad. The Pride need only one more solid week to wrap up a playoff spot, and their team continues to follow the lead of their stud QB Kansas St. The Redhwaks suffer a defeat that puts any playoff hopes in serious jeopardy. The Redhawks trade didn't give them the needed boost they were looking for, and now need some serious help to slip in the playoff backdoor.

Contributors 94    Cows 49
Owner McSwain shuffles the usual Purdue based line-up and is rewarded with a solid thumping of the Cows. The Contributors get double digit point totals from every player except their kicker to post the convincing win. The Contributors need two more solid weeks of play on their way to a probable playoff birth, but are still in a battle with hated rival Cossacks for a wildcard spot. Owner McSwain added this post game comment, "I hope Maze lost by one point today". They didn't and his squad needs to get a few wins or have to face the gloomy prospect of being beat out by his most hated rival. If only the Cows could play as well as Owner Driver comes up with the post game comments. Owner Driver has this to say upon adding up the scores, "Another cow mutilation -- can't we all just get along??". Ummm, in this we can't! :>)

Cossacks 87    Maulers 78
The Cossacks get the much needed division win against their division rival Maulers. Owner Maze survives a dismal effort by the once solid Texas QB to hold off the once unbeatable Maulers squad. Owner Maze was forced to sweat out the last few minutes of the match-up as the Maulers almost made a miracle late rally once Maze posted a message on the ALL NEW LEAGUE MESSAGE BOARD (cheap plug by Commish, if you haven't checked it out yet, why not?????). Maze holds on and wins his $20! The Maulers Owner Mike wonders what happened this week? Owner Mike is left wondering why he started Wayne instead of Ferguson (hint.......he would have won). Losing to Dad last week was bad enough, losing to Maze is definitely pouring salt on an open wound. What would losing to the Death Squad be this week??????? One word.......DEATH! 

Death 48    Titans 35
It was bound to happen sooner or later! But against one of the once Mighty Myers family????? (okay, Dad's team is still pretty good) The Death Squad went with an entire new line-up (yes, all 7 players were new starters for the first time) and the Commish is finally rewarded with his first win ever in College Fantasy Football. WOOOOOOOO WHOOOOOOO!!!!!! Sorry, I still  can't contain myself. The Titans..................well, Owner Jeff is left wondering if the family will even send out an invite to join them for the holidays this year. Owner Jeff makes a HUGE blunder in leaving his 6 TD RB Griffin on the bench. Hell, Griffin outscored the entire starting line-up and would have had a new league high with 42 points. Jeff is truly ashamed of this effort and is left only to beg for forgiveness from his fellow Myers family. Hey Jeff, worse comes to worse, you can become an honorable Snyder family member for the holidays, as you already gave the gift of the year! :>)

Q-Dogs 71    Christians 70
In the game of the week, the squabbling Owners Russ/Al get the last second extra point to edge out the Christians. The Q-Dogs continue to battle internal coaching difference of opinions, but agreed on one thing, they needed the win badly and they got the job done. The Q-Dogs are a fun team to deal with, "Assistant Coach" Al was asked to comment on the crucial line-up decisions that were made to gain them the need point responded, "This half is
wondering what the hell is going on!!!!" Nice team comradory going on the Q-Dogs team office these days. The Christians suffer the costly defeat but do gain a bonus point by finishing in 6th place for the week. Owner Rusch is still in the playoff hunt, but that will probably end about 12 midnight on Saturday when week #7 opponent Stingrays gets done adding up his scores.

Special Weekly Awards:

Coaching Blunder of the Week: Although there was many a candidate this week, the award has to go to the Titans. Leaving Griffin on the bench cost Jeff a win, a side-pot and possibly Thanksgiving Dinner with the family.

MVP of the Week:    McAllister RB, Stingrays    He posted a nice 37 points in 3 quarters of work to lead the way to yet another Stingrays win.

Boxscore Blunder of the Week:     Christians/Q-Dogs    The scores sent in by these two teams were not even close, with each thinking their team won. The Q-Dogs arguing owners luckily had the right winning team, but sorting out this mess of a boxscore was quite time consuming.

Quote of the Week:    Stingrays owner Merv sending his congrats to the Commish on his first ever victory, this after asking if there was a side-pot for going 0-8 (he was again frustrated he might not win all the prize money), "I guess I owe you an apology...While I rely on shear skill, I completely
forgot about Dumb Luck" Thanks Merv! Can the Commish and his Dumb Luck take that open seat at the Myers Family Thanksgiving feast?????? Oh, that would be two seats, which there might be after this week. :>)

CHRISTIANS                 @    STINGRAYS (-36)
TITANS (-9)                    @    REDHAWKS
COSSACKS (-22)            @    ELEPHANTS 
DEATH                            @    MAULERS (-42)
Q-DOGS (-8)                    @    COWS


That is all for now. Look for the same regular report here each week during the rest of the season. A SPECIAL thanks to all those who have got their boxscores in on time and also have taken the time to confirm the scores with their opponent. Good luck to all in Week #7, playoff spots on the line for many.

The Commish

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Week #3 Report

Week #4 Report

Week #5 Report