Bomb Squad Report    Week #12

The real drama is starting to unfold in the 2001 season. Playoff spots are still up in the air for several teams. The Creeping Death and Bomb Squad have secured their playoff spots and the Virgins are pretty much assured the other barring a total collapse within the next 2 weeks. The Fury, Chuckers, Bugeaters, Dynasty, and Contributors, yes the Contributors, are still in the running for the final three spots. The Spoilers are on the hunt to take down and prevent others from post season glory.

Spoiler number one has to be the Demons. This week they delivered a blow to the Fury with a 743 to 736 victory. Coach Erdman is enjoying the role as spoiler as this week he informed me that the Bugeaters are next. It was a close game but guard Derek Anderson could only must 111pts for the week and they lost by 8 points. The Fury still control their own destiny in the next two weeks, they play the last place team in the C and A Divisions. This is a note of thanks to the Demons with keeping up with their scores and continual tinkering with his team to make sure he puts the best team on the floor even though he is out of the playoff race. I think being a regular playoff team he knows the importance of everybody still making an effort to try and win.

Spoiler number 2 this week is the Players Club. The Chuckers we denied entrance as they were taken down 726 to 590. The Chuckers seemed to have rolled over and played dead this week. Their big gun, C-Web, has been hurt this week and the rest of his squad has failed to step up. The Chuckers still have a good chance the next two weeks as they face the Contributors and the Fastbreakers. They get C-Web back but loss Odom for a week because of smoking some hemp. The Players Club season could be made this week as the go up against the Bomb Squad.

The Dynasty had a great opportunity to position themselves for a playoff spot but the Division leading Virgins sent them a message. The message being come strong or do not come at all and the Dynasty did not come at all. The Dynasty get blasted 855 to 671, the Virgins are starting to heat up for the up coming playoffs. Coach Maze’s playoff hopes where dealt a setback but they are still in the hunt, his next two opponents are the Contributors and the Pippers. It will be a miracle finish for Coach Maze considering two of his big guns, Stoyo and Mashburn are hurt this week. Coach McSwain is licking his chops at the chance to boot Maze out of the playoffs.

The Bugeaters take care of business and dispose of the Pippers 784 to 633. The Pippers have been officially eliminated from the playoff race but still have chances to spoil some playoff hopefuls. The Bugeaters take a step closer to securing a playoff birth, but the Demons are lying in the weeds this week hoping for an ambush. I would not bet against Boyd or should I say Mo Money or Tonto?

The Creeping Death are in cruise control as they spank the Contributors 830 to 704. It is really scary to think what kind of team they would have had if they had kept Marion of PHX. The Death still have a chance at the top seed in the playoffs with a Bomb Squad loss and less that a top 6 finish. The Death play the Virgins this week and a chance to see who is imitating and who is for real. The Contributors season will be made this week if they knock off the Dynasty. I know Coach McSwain and nothing gives him better delight than putting the wood to Maze.

The Bomb Squad remain undefeated with a 845-667 win over the Fastbreakers. Coach Dotson is still nervous about what seed his team might get in the playoffs. They have been hitting on all cylinders for most of the year and just hoping the bottom does not fall out within the next couple of weeks. One of his horses is hurt and this could effect his squad for the playoffs.The Fastbreakers could only muster 667 this week after posting over 800pts the week before. The squad is still putting the best possible team out there even if all playoff hopes are lost.


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Week #1 Commish's Corner

Week #3 Commish's Corner

Week #5 Commish's Corner

Week #9 Commish's Corner