Bomb Squad Report    Week #9

First of all I would like to say I am sorry for not having the report for the past few weeks. I had a death in the family and also scores are not being reported complete, accurately or at all. It is very difficult to check scores as well as track down owners and get the scores for them. Please in the future please get your scores IN and on time, now that being said lets check out the happenings in hoops.

The Virgins are virgins no more as the Fury popped that cherry in week 7. They started out 5-0 and now are on a losing streak of 3 games, I guess they liked having their cherry popped. This week the Bomb Squad gotta a piece with a 828 to 781 victory over the Virgins. The Bomb Squad was Shaqless and still managed to put up over 800pts. The big fella is going to be needed if the Bomb Squad is to have a chance at the title. The Virgins fall to 5-3 but still lead their division and the Bomb Squad move to 9-0.

The Death continue their winning ways with a thorough whupping of the Bugeaters 869 to 559. The MVP of the Death has to be Walker, he is in the 200’s every week. The Death are first in the B division and put some space between them and the Chuckers .The Bugeaters had a chance to move into first Place in the C Division but could not capitalize on the Virgins loss, they still remain 1 game back. Boyd always has a chance, that horseshoe is embedded within him.

The Fury keep on truckin as they defeat the Chuckers 778 to 740. Owner/GM/Coach Rogan has made the right moves and has put his team in the driver’s seat for the playoff run. He has made all the right moves so far and time will tell if his latest trade will put him over the hump. The Chuckers lost a game on the Death but are still 6-3 and positioned well for another playoff run.

The Dynasty are still hoping for a chance to make the playoffs. They did what they had to, which is win and hope for the others in his division to lose. This week they take down the Fastbreakers 772 to 562. The Fastbreakers team is totally helpless, no guidance and no faith in them by their coach. They fall to 1-8 and last place in the whole league. The Dynasty have a outside shot at making the playoffs, but I would suggest a lotto ticket, I think the chances are better.

The Pippers remain steady. They pick up a victory over the CONTRIBUTORS 731 to 602. Trader McSwain has pretty much traded his way out of the playoff hunt. His team continues to fade and each player is worried who will be next. I guess after this week Coach will be flustered as the trading deadline is Tuesday. Hey Coach McSwain, do like you did in football just hold onto you team and let them play! The Pippers improve to 4-5 and have an excellent chance at making the playoffs.

The Players Club finally laid a mack down on someone who would listen and it happened to be the Demons. The Players Club get their first victory of the season with a 712 to 598 drubbing of the Demons. The Demons continue to struggle and fall to 2-7 and a chance of not making the playoffs for the second year in a row, something I thought I would never see. I really thought the recent trade would put the back in the race, but of course I thought the Players Club would do the same. At least the Players Club ended their fertility and will not go 0 for the season.

Reminder to all the teams with DL players, please update your rosters this week or I will drop the player who comes of the DL automatically. Five more games are left in the season so please continue to be diligent with keeping up with your scores, remember that if you were in the playoff race you would want the others to do the same, it could mean the difference in a team making some money!


Click on week to view previous reports

Week #1 Commish's Corner

Week #3 Commish's Corner

Week #5 Commish's Corner