Bomb Squad Report    Week #13

Let the playoffs begin! The season is finally over and the playoffs are set to begin. What a finish it was! I want to thank all the teams for getting their reports in on a regular basis. Next year we are thinking about a new rule being implemented, and it has to do with our center situation throughout the league. Next year we would like to change the lineup format, instead of 2 guards,2 forward and a center you will be able to start either 3 guards, 2 forwards or 2 guards, 3 forwards or 3guards 1 forward 1 center. I would like every team’s opinion on this. This should give everybody a better chance at winning even without a top 3 center. Just call it the Shaq Daddy rule. The tittle of this report will be the "ain’t that a kick in the balls report" courtesy of Mike Karmazyn.

The Fury handled their own destiny and make the playoffs by beating the sad Fastbreakers 759 to 645. This is the second year in a row the Fury have made the playoffs. Last year they had a shot at the title but came up short against the Destroyers, hopefully for them this year they will have better luck. The key will have to be Mr. T alias Rascheed Wallace of Portland, can he stay in a game long enough to give coach Rogan a victory? The center position for them is also suspect but it seems lately someone from his squad steps up and plays well. The Fastbreakers finish their dismal season at 2-12 and the lowest point total out of any playoff team. They had some nice pickups late but the key word is late.

The Chuckers charge into the playoffs with a 896 to 706 whuppin of the Contributors. The Chuckers are the number 1 wild card team and they will face the Fury. The Chuckers seem to be peaking for the playoffs, Oneal, the Pacers O’neal, seems to be blossoming at the right time and Webber is healed from his ankle sprain and ready to carrying this team on his back. Hopefully Lamar Odom's drug connections are no more and maybe he can concentrate on playing basketball. Hopefully a nice fat joint was not what he needed to play his best, we will see. The Contributors did just that this year, not only donating money but players too, this is according to Coach Maze. I know John did not do this on purpose but he really helped screw the Dynasty. I think that alone puts a smile on Coach McSwain’s face just knowing that he might have had something to do with the Dynasty not making the playoffs.

The Dynasty had their chance and contrary to what Coach Maze thinks he did not make the playoffs because his team did not show up this week. He was lucky to get a 664 to 569 victory over the Pippers who just gave up hope. Hey Harry I hope you not being concerned about you team since you did not make the playoffs, bites you in the ass one day. Even though you are not going to make the playoffs you have to realize that your team can still have an impact on others chances. Well back to Maze. If the Dynasty would have finished in the top 6 he would have made the playoffs, but Coach Maze has no answer for this, and I mean no answer. His main stud Allen " The Answer" Iverson was sideline with a hip injury and could not help his team into the playoffs. Hey Maze there is always baseball, getta studying !!!!

Coach Boyd Hayden how do you do it!? Backing into the playoffs? That horseshoe is embedded very very very very deep! Even though the Bugeaters lost to the Virgins 784 to 728 they had enough points to finish in the top 6 category and give them a 7-7 record tied with the Dynasty. But since the Bugeaters had a better Divisional record they get the last playoff spot. The Virgins stay hot going into the playoffs. They are through playing with the boys and feel they have grownup enough to go after the men. The fast team on your agenda will be the squad you just got through beating. Can you do it to weeks in a row? Over the horseking? We are talking about a man who has won the showcase on the Price is Right, 2 winners in the 33 pool this year, and a championship in FFL to boot? Good luck Virgins but I think Coach Hayden has the patent on that word.

The Death completed a great season with a 936 to 652 waxing of the Players Club. They finish the regular season with a 12-2 record and a bye for the first playoff week. It seems Coach Snyder is in cruise control going into the playoffs after posting a 936 this week. Seeking back to back titles, Coach has to be happy about his chances of doing it. The Players Club season was sad to say the least. Coach Scott had the third best center in the league and once had the player that put the highest score point total for a game but traded them away and now ends up with a 3-11 record. Well may next year Coach Scott.

The Bomb Squad had a chance to become the first team to have a perfect regular season record but they were playing their old nemesis the Demons. Coach Erdman had already played spoiler by beating to playoff hopefuls the two previous weeks. This week was his chance to ruin the Bomb Squads run at perfection. The week started great for the Demons chances when the Bomb Squads McGrady decided to play Sugar Shane and got suspended for 2 games and to add on to the problems for Coach Dotson was Mcdyess being hurt his very first game with only 3 to play. Coach Dotson was singing the blues most of the week until the team stepped up the final 2 days. The Bomb Squad finished 14-0 and head into the playoffs hoping that this season will be different than last. The coach says this perfect season don’t mean a thing unless you got that ring. The Demons finish 4-10 but played a hell of a spoiler roll.

Good luck to all the playoff teams and thanks for playing this year. Remember to let me know about the new format we want to use. See ya next year!


Click on week to view previous reports

Week #1 Commish's Corner

Week #3 Commish's Corner

Week #5 Commish's Corner

Week #9 Commish's Corner

Week #12 Commish's Corner