All questions, disputes and interpretations of these rules subject to commissioner’s rulings.

All commissioner rulings will be final.

The Season
The season will consist of 90 games played over an 18 week period beginning April 3, 2000. Each team will play a five (5) game
series each week. The week will be broken down as follows:
GAME 1: Monday thru Thursday, BEST SINGLE GAME
GAME 2: Friday
GAME 3: Saturday
GAME 4: Sunday
GAME 5: Total points scored during the week.

Game 1 will be the best single game performance by each player on the team during the Monday thru Thursday games, resulting in a win or loss. Example: Bagwell has an off day on Monday, scores a 5 on Tue, a 6 on Wed, and a 10 on Thu. You would only get to use his Thu 10 point score. You do this for each position on your line-up. As long as each starting player plays at least one game during the four day period (Mon-Thu), you will not have to use your back-up player. If your starter plays no games on the four day period (Mon-Thu), you will use your back-ups best game from the same time period, Monday-Thursday. For the pitching staff, the same rules apply as the individual players to determine the best single game. If your pitching staff has a rain-out on a Fri, Sat or Sun, and you had used your Thursday game as your single best game for the Mon-Thurs game, you can not use the Thurs game in place of a weekend rain-out, you will have to work backwards and use Wed, or Tues and so on.

Games 2-4 will be a single game for each day,  resulting in a win or a loss. Game 5 will be the highest cumulative point total from Games 1-4.

Each team has a possibility of winning or loosing five games each weekend.

The league will be divided into 2 conferences that will each have 2 divisions of 4 teams each, for a total of 16 teams. The
participants in the playoffs will be the 4 division winners along with a wild card team from each conference for a total of 6 teams that will participate in post season play.

The Scoring
The scoring system is accessed by clicking here or through the main page of this website. This scoring system will be used to determine the winner in each game played. The performance of your players on each day will be the deciding factor for that days game. Each owner will be responsible for calculating the scores of not only his team, but also for his opponents team. Scores for Monday thru Thursday (Single high game) are due by 9pm Saturday. Scores for Friday, Saturday and Sunday are due by 9pm Monday. As a part of the league you are expected to fulfill your obligation in reporting the scores of the games. If any team does not report scores to the league on time, you will be allowed one "mulligan". On the second violation, your team  will not be given credit for any points scored (team totals or individual totals) for that time period. Your team will still receive wins and losses for that week. In addition, a $10 fine will issued against the team owner. All fines will go towards pizza at the draft the following year. In the event of a discrepancy in the scores, the commissioner will verify the scores through the official stat service website, ESPN.com (click to go to scoreboard) and the decision will be final. For each series there will be a "home" and a "visiting" team. 

The home team will receive a 1/2 point "home field advantage" for each game of the series and also on total points, solely for the purpose of breaking any ties that may occur.

The Teams
The teams will consist of 14 players, distributed as follows:
(2) Catchers    (1) 1st Baseman    (1) 2nd baseman    (1) shortstop    (1) 3rd baseman    (4) outfielders
(1) middle infielder    (1) corner infielder    (1) optional player    (1) pitching staff        

The corner infielder must qualify at either 1st or 3rd base
The middle infielder must qualify at either shortstop or 2nd base
The optional player may be a player that qualifies at any position or even a 2nd pitching staff.

Players may be drafted from both the American and National Leagues of Major League Baseball. 
Owners must keep a full and active roster at all times during the season.

Position Qualifications
For a complete list of games played, follow the following links:

1999 Season         NL            AL        (click on league)

For any given player to qualify at any given position he must meet certain criteria. By either playing in 20 games at that position in 1999 or playing 10 games at that position in 2000, the player will be considered eligible for that position. In the event that a player is changing positions for 2000, if any player makes a start at a position on opening day, he will be considered qualified for that position. During the draft, if it is considered "common knowledge" that a player is making a position change for 2000, he will be allowed to be drafted at his new position. Since we will not have the DH in our league, any player that is a DH within the American League must qualify at a position in order to be placed on any team roster in our league. I have included a list of American League DHs and positions that they will qualify at for draft purposes. If he plays at another position during the year he will increase his qualifications.

The Draft

The draft will consist of 14 rounds of 16 picks with teams picking in reverse order in even numbered rounds. Example: If you have the first pick in the first round, you will have the 16th pick in the 2nd round. Draft position has been determined and is attached in this packet. You are permitted to make trades of your draft positions.


Each team must submit a starting line up for each week. Line ups are due to the league by 9:00 PM Sunday. In the event that a
player is placed on the DL on Sunday night, that an owner was unaware of when line-ups were due, there will be a grace period given to that owner to make the change in his line-up. This grace period will expire once the first game is played on Monday. If a player goes on the DL between Monday and Friday, you will be allowed to replace him for the weekend games (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) prior to the Friday lineup deadline. If the DL player replaced is a sub, the newly acquired replacement can not be moved into the starting lineup for the weekend games. Once the weekend games start, you are not allowed to replace any DL player. You can replace a DL player over the weekend, but the transaction will not take effect until Sunday night for the following weeks games. The affected owner(s) will have until the start of the first game of the affected players to notify the league of the desire to make the change. If no line-up changes are received by the league, it will be assumed that none are to be made, and the previous week's line-up will be used. 

Starting line ups will consist of :

(1) Catcher    (1) 1st Baseman    (1) 2nd Baseman    (1) Shortstop    (1) 3rd Baseman
(3) Outfielders    (1) Pitching staff

Only points scored by these players will be tabulated into the game results

In the event that one of the players in your starting line-up does not play, due to injury, managers decision, postponement, or the lack of a scheduled game, the back up player at his position will be inserted into the line up for that day ONLY. Example: Team "A" starts Frank Thomas at 1st base and Matt Williams at 3rd Base for the weekend, and they have Jeff Bagwell as their corner infielder. If Thomas or Williams do not play in the game on Saturday, for any reason, Bagwell will be inserted into their line up for that day only and his scores will be tabulated along with the rest of the starting team. This applies to each position and its respective back up players. If a starter has at least 2 plate appearances (PA), his stats will be used for that game. If neither the starter or back up player achieves the 2 PA limit, and they have an equal number of PA's, the starter then will be used. The outfielders on every team will be "ranked", and in the event a replacement outfielder is needed, the highest ranked one will be placed in the line up. If neither the starter or back-up makes an appearance in a game on any given day, the position will get a zero for that game.

In the event that a pitching staff is rained out and does not play, the scores from the last game the team played, that is not part of the weekend, will be used in the line up. Example: Team B has Florida's pitching staff, the Marlins are rained out on
Saturday, they played on Thursday. The performance from Thursday's game will be used in the scoring for Saturday. If an
owner chooses to have a second pitching staff as his optional player this rule does not apply. A team may not use the game they used as their high game on Mon-Thu.

In the event of a double header on any weekday or  weekend days, only the statistics from the first game will be used in
tabulation of scores. There are no other line up changes permitted during the course of the weeks series.

********A report will be published each week during the season on the league web-site, updating the leagues standings and scores, if any owner notices a discrepancy in something that was published in the report, he will have one week in which to notify the league of the problem, after such time NO CHANGES will be made. This applies to scores of games, scores of
players, to game results to side pot issues. After a period of one week, the results and published reports become OFFICIAL***************

There will be an entry fee of $150. $75 of which is due no later than April 3, 2000. The balance of $75 will be due no later
than June 15, 2000. In the event that the entry fee is not paid by the day of the draft, your team will be restricted from making
any transactions until the entry fee is paid. The same goes for the balance, if not paid in full by the deadline, your ability to make transactions will again be put on hold.

Entry Fee Breakdown:    $122 General Pot        $19 Side Pots        $7 Hotel        $2 Draft Supplies/Baseball/Trophy Engraving 

There will not be any charges for transactions during the year. This should help owners in keeping the best team on the field
during the entire season, especially when the playoff spots may be in jeopardy.

Prize Money
The total of all fees collected will be returned to the league in the form of prize money. All teams that qualify for the post season will share in the prize money.

The prize money pay-out breakdown will be as follows:

1ST-$540        2ND-$375        3RD-$265        4TH-$200        5TH-$120        6TH-$80

$50 Each Division Winner (from General Pot)
$50 Best Overall Record   
(from General Pot)

Side Pots: $60-High Team Total Points         $45-High Team Game               $45-High Team Series
                   $45-High Player for the Year        $45-High Player for a game    $45-High Player for a Series

Post Season Play
Each Division Winner and 2 wild card teams qualify for the playoffs. The division winner from each conference with the best
record will receive a first round bye in the playoffs. The other division winner from the conference will play the wild card team
from that conference in the first round. Each playoff series will be the best of 5, with the winner moving on to the next round. When determining final order of finish, a wildcard team can never be ranked higher then a divisional winner, regardless of the teams final record.

The "home-field advantage" will continue throughout the playoffs, with the higher seaded team receiving the advantage.

Tie Breakers
If at any time during the season a tie occurs with respect to records, the league will use the same formula through out:
1) head to head
2) record within division
3) record within conference
4) points scored
5) points against
6) coin flip

******* Please note that ALL rosters will be frozen for the playoffs, unless a team has a player that goes on or comes
off of the DL.*******


****All transactions should be e-mailed to the commissioner at brcgm192@home.com. If necessary, transactions may be called in to the commissioner at 303-752-0995.****

Free Agents
After the draft, any players that remain undrafted are considered free agents. Any team may acquire a free agent at any time
during the year, provided he releases a player that qualifies at the same position as the acquired player. All free agent
acquisitions are on a daily basis. The cut off time for free agent moves is 6:00 PM each day. In the event that more than one
team wishes to acquire the same free agent during the same period, the team with the lower ranking will be awarded the player.
If a team wishes to place a bid on more than one free agent or waiver wire player during any given claim period, the owner
must rank the players in an order of preference. The league will then award the players in a draft like manner, with the lowest
ranked bidding team getting their first choice of players then the next lowest ranked team getting their choice, and so on. Players must be on an active roster in order to be claimed as a free agent. DL players are not eligible to be claimed as a Free Agent until they have been activated from the DL, and then they are an eligible free agent to be claimed.

Waiver Wire
When a player is released by a team he will be considered "on waivers". The weekly waiver period will end at 9pm
Tuesday when the latest standings come out. All players on waivers for the week will be processed at 6pm Saturday. Players claimed from waivers on Saturday will be eligible for line-ups that Sunday. The same rule for multiple claims applies for the waiver wire as for free agents. If a player goes unclaimed during the waiver period he will then be classified as a free agent. When you acquire a player through waivers or free agency, you MUST retain him on your roster for the remainder of that week's scheduled games. A player may be claimed and then trade during the same week.

Disabled List
When a player on an active roster is placed on the DL by his major league team (click here for latest injury status), the fantasy team is also required to place the player on our DL. This is a mandatory transaction. There is no limit to the number of players that you can have on the DL.

When a player of yours is activated from the major league DL, you also must activate him on your DL. All mandatory DL
transactions must be made by Sunday at 9:00 PM.

In the event that a player is lost to injury, the fantasy team will not have any rights to the replacement player. If a player is sent to the minors, or released by his team, there will not be any right retained by the fantasy team.

No team will be permitted to acquire a player that is on the DL of his major league team once the draft has been completed.

Any player that goes on the DL or is activated from the DL, must be replaced or activated. Teams will be given ONE transaction date (transaction dates are Friday before 1st game played, and Sunday at 9pm) as a grace period. On the second transaction date, if a player is not replaced or activated, the following penalties will be enforced:
1) If a player is on the DL and listed as a starter, the back-up at that position will be ineligible for any scheduled games until the player is replaced. 
2) If a player has been activated from the DL, the player will be forfeited and placed on the waiver wire.
***Roster deadlines will still apply to any move. If a DL player is replaced after the roster deadline has passed, it will not take effect until the next deadline.***

Trades are permitted at anytime until the trading deadline. Owners must have a complete and balanced line up at the conclusion of a trade. In the event of a "2 for 1" trade, owners must release and/or acquire free agents to fill any roster voids. The trading deadline for our league will be 9:00 PM on the Sunday prior to week #11. There will be a cap on the number of trades a team can make. The trade cap will be 4 trades per team during the season.

Draft Day Tidbits

During the course of the draft, if a team drafts a player that has already been drafted by another team the drafting team will
forfeit that draft pick. The League will allow one "mulligan" to be used by each team for such an occasion. Each team, in effect, gets one "screw-up". The forfeit rule will go into effect with the second wrongful pick.

Drafting of DL Players
Teams are permitted to draft players that are on the DL. The lone requirement be that, immediately following the draft, the team must acquire a free agent to replace the DL player in order to satisfy the complete and active roster rule. Teams will select DL replacements in order of the DL players drafted. Once the draft is completed, you will not be permitted to acquire a player on the DL. A player must come off the DL and then will be available as a free agent.

During the mid point of the draft we will be having pizza delivered. Please bring some extra money to contribute to the cause.
The draft will be a BYOB function. There is not a "beer tub" at our new location. Please bring your own coolers. Please bring a little extra for the draft monitor.